From: Taurus Montgomery
What's up bro!
I'm excited to announce for the very first time, streaming LIVE to your living room, dorm room, locker room or wherever you are...
YOUNG MEN ON FIRE conference
SUN FEB 28, 2021 @ 12:00PM EST
But listen, before you register, let me ask you some questions to help you see if this FREE event is for you:
Do you want to become the best version of yourself but you’re not making the kind of progress you should?
Do you desire to be successful in every aspect of life but don’t know where to start?
Do you battle with self-doubt and struggle with being confident in who you are?
Are you unsure about your gifts, talents, or purpose in life?
Do you struggle with trusting God, and having a real relationship with Him?
Do you ever feel like you’re out there grinding alone and can use some encouragement from some other brothers who are striving and thriving and can help you grow?
Are you struggling in your relationships with females or battling with pornography?
Do you ever feel like your environment is not good for your growth?
Do you struggle with controlling your anger and staying mentally strong to face the challenges of racial injustice?
Are you the parent of a young man who is in need of guidance, encouragement, and mentorship from positive male figures?
Let me be straight up with you bro! I created this event because I know what it’s like to struggle as a young man.
I know what it's like to feel like a loser in life, to get DISTRACTED, and lose focus!
Like a lot of young men, growing up I had dreams of making it to the League. So, I spent time working on my game.
I hit the weight room.
I worked out in the gym.
I put up shots.
I worked on my moves, speed, agility, and quickness.
But there was one problem:
I didn’t do anything to develop my mindset. PLUS, I didn’t know what I didn’t know!
And it showed in the choices I made and how I lived.
I partied a lot. A whole lot....
I slept through classes. Sometimes I skipped classes.
And when I did do my work, I did only the minimum, just enough to get by.
And my GPA took a beating for it!
Just to keep it 100 with you, in my mind, once the season was over, school was over.
Staying focused seemed impossible.

To make matters worse,
I had a lot of ISSUES going on at home.
Living conditions were in bad shape.
Utilities were off and on.
Electricity was off for 9 months.
The gas was shut off for two years.
Not to mention the leaky toilet.
When the water was off we had to drive to my grandmother's house just to take a shower.

On top of that, there was constant physical and verbal abuse in my parents' relationship.
This was traumatizing and it made me angry.
I got into drugs and alcohol at the age of 12.
This was my way of numbing the pain and stress of living in that environment.
This spiraled into criminal activity and drug abuse, which led to a lack of motivation.
LIKE A LOT OF YOUNG MEN I'VE MET, I had no way to process the adversity and get through the challenges I was experiencing.
On the one hand, I had talent and a genuine love for basketball and football.
On the other hand, my circumstances were getting the best of me.
And then something happened that changed everything.
One night, while we were sound asleep, our house caught on fire.

Were it not for my brother banging loud on my door to wake me up, I don’t know if I would be here today.
I jumped out of the bed and ran outside.
We all made it out alive and safe.
But we were HOMELESS.
That was the worst day of my life.
And also the best day of my life.
I know that sounds crazy but, let me explain.
You see, after bouncing around week after week from one family member’s house to the next, a friend of the family reached out and invited us to live with them.
In that family I met a great coach. He believed in me. Poured into me. And put me on a path to discover the one thing that changed everything. And it's the one thing that I am going to share with you at this conference.
It’s called a blueprint!
Listen to me bro...every young man needs a blueprint!
This blueprint helped me...
Develop mental toughness,
Boost my self-confidence,
Increase my effort,
Sharpen my focus, and
Fuel my success.
And this is the blueprint I am going to give you at the Young Men On Fire Conference!
It is the same exact blueprint that helped me:
Take my GPA from a 1.9 on academic probation to graduating from college with a 3.5 GPA
Start a family with an amazing woman and raise some amazing kids
Receive a full scholarship and graduate with my masters degree
Receive a scholarship and sponsorship to pursue my doctoral degree
Travel over 96,000 miles around the world speaking and serving others
Volunteer over 26,000 hours in community service projects
Become an ordained minister
Become a Certified Life Coach
Become a Certified Professional Speaker by the #1 Motivational Speaker in the World
Become a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author
Author and publish four books
And lead a movement to empower athletes to change the world for good
While I have spoken to a wide range of audiences worldwide, I want you to know that my heart, my passion, my soul is for empowering young men like you. This is what I was born to do and I want to help you become all that you were created to be and do!
But listen, here is the dopest part of it all!
Along my journey I met some other brothers who are out here dominating the game of life! Some of them are doctors, lawyers, educators, pastors, entrepreneurs, accountants, activists, authors, fathers, and husbands. And guess what they have in common?
A Blueprint.
They have inspired me, encouraged me, and challenged me in so many ways that I knew I couldn't do this alone. Just like you can’t get to the next level alone. (Side note: Even Michael Jordan had a coach!)
So let me introduce you to some of them that you'll get a chance to connect with at the conference:
THIS is your moment bro!
Don't procrastinate and miss out on this opportunity to level up! It's about to go down! So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and reserve your spot right now!
I’ll see you at the conference!
Let's go!
“Don’t Just Live. Live Fired Up!"